Performance testing: basics and trends for the year 2024

Performance Testing: Basics und Trends für das Jahr 2024

Performance testing is a critical part of the software development process that aims to evaluate the speed, response time, scalability, resource utilization and stability of software under a given workload.
Identifying bottlenecks before launch can ensure a better user experience and avoid the need for costly post-release fixes.

The types of performance testing

Here is a brief glossary or overview of the different terms for types of performance testing:

  • Load Testing: Measures the performance under an expected workload.
  • Endurance test (soak testing): Evaluates performance over a longer period of time.
  • Stress test: Determines the stability under excessive load.
  • Spike testing: Checks the reaction to sudden load peaks.
  • Volume tests: Tests the efficiency of large data volumes.
  • Scalability tests: Measures the effectiveness of scaling.

Why is performance testing so important?

If a website or portal no longer works because of performance weaknesses, this can result in significant economic disadvantages for the operator.
This is exactly what can be avoided with sufficient and appropriate performance testing: A well-executed performance test can validate the speed, stability and accuracy of a software, identify and solve problems, improve load and optimization capability and increase code quality and functionality to meet user expectations and ultimately avoid such costly errors.

Most important tools for performance tests in 2024

Which tools are the highlights of 2024?
We have attempted a list, but it is by no means exhaustive.
The tools listed below already cover a wide range of requirements and offer solutions for different budgets and use cases:

  • Apache JMeter: An open source tool for measuring performance and load testing functionality.
  • Kinsta APM: An integrated performance testing tool specifically for Kinsta clients.
  • LoadNinja: Allows testers to perform browser-based load tests without scripting.
  • NeoLoad: For companies that want to accelerate agile and DevOps testing processes.
  • Gatling: A powerful open source tool for web applications.

Each of these tools has its own strengths and special features, from cloud-based solutions and open source to applications that are optimized for specific programming languages or environments.

How does the general performance testing process work?

In order to fully utilize performance tests, it is important that they follow a structured process.
This ranges from the selection of the test environment, the identification of performance metrics and the design of the tests through to execution, analysis and documentation.
Here is a step-by-step guide:

Here is a detailed look at the process:

  • Selecting the test environment: Start by selecting a test environment that replicates the production environment as closely as possible.
    This includes the selection of software and hardware, network configurations and other relevant system settings.
    Choosing the right performance testing tools that meet your specific needs is also a crucial step.
  • Identify performance metrics: Define clear performance metrics that are relevant to your application.
    These include response times, throughput rates, transaction rates, load times and resource utilization such as CPU, memory and network.
  • Test planning: Develop test plans that take into account different user scenarios, target metrics and test data.
    This step helps to clearly define the test objectives and determines which aspects of the software will be tested under which conditions.
  • Configuration of the test environment: Set up the test environment according to your test plan.
    This includes not only the configuration of the software and hardware environment, but also the preparation of the performance testing tools and resources you need for your tests.
  • Implement the test design: Based on your test plan, develop test cases and scenarios.
    These should be designed to reflect realistic user interactions and workload patterns.
    Precision in this step is critical to the validity of the test results.
  • Perform the performance tests: Start the performance tests according to the prepared scenarios.
    Monitor the tests carefully to ensure that they run as planned and collect data for thorough analysis.
  • Analysis, reporting and retesting: Once testing is complete, analyze the collected data to identify performance bottlenecks and other issues.
    Create detailed reports on the results and issues identified.
    Based on this analysis, plan improvement measures and, if necessary, carry out further rounds of testing to assess the impact of the optimizations made.
  • Optimization and finalization: After you have fixed any identified issues and optimized the software, you run the performance tests again to ensure that the changes you have made are producing the desired improvements.
    This cycle of testing, analysis and optimization is repeated until the software meets the defined performance targets.

By following this process, developers and testers can ensure that the software not only fulfills the functional requirements, but also meets expectations in terms of speed, stability and scalability.
Performance testing is therefore an indispensable part of software development, helping to deliver a high-quality product that meets the needs of users and leaves a positive impression.
If you are looking for efficient performance testing options, please contact us!