IT outsourcing for corporations: increased efficiency and competitive advantages

IT-Outsourcing für Konzerne: Effizienzsteigerung und Wettbewerbsvorteile

Why should companies opt for responsible, sustainable IT outsourcing that complies with supply chain legislation?
(Read our blog post “Five questions for BitKollegen co-founder Franziska: What is responsible offshore IT?” to find out which aspects make outsourcing sustainable in the first place.)
Companies that rely on responsible IT outsourcing can also achieve significant cost benefits and at the same time avoid obstacles to growth such as a shortage of skilled workers and the high wage level in Germany.
Of course, the hourly rates of “conventional” providers are often lower.
In the long term, however, sustainable IT outsourcing that also takes social issues into account can have a much more favorable impact for corporations.
In the following, we present some important aspects of responsible IT outsourcing.
You will be surprised at the long-term economic benefits that opting for the sustainable option can have for companies.

1. positive corporate reputation and customer loyalty

More and more consumers and business customers prefer ethical business practices and are more likely to choose brands that share their values.
The number of consumers questioning the social and environmental sustainability of services and consumer goods is also increasing.
It is therefore becoming increasingly common for customers and business partners to turn to companies whose prices for services or goods are higher, but who are also actively committed to sustainability.
A good example of this development can be found in the organic food sector.
In the future, companies’ commitment to social sustainability will have a similarly significant impact on purchasing decisions.
By working with an IT outsourcing provider that is committed to social and sustainable principles, a company can also make its own image more attractive and thus strengthen its economic success in the long term.

2. excellent retention of specialists

Companies that demonstrate social responsibility and thus create attractive working conditions attract specialists in the target country who are not only highly qualified, but also have a strong set of values of their own.
Values such as equality for all employees regardless of gender, religion or ethnic origin are just as important to our team members as a positive working environment.
The best talents in a country feel so comfortable in this environment that the fluctuation rate is pleasingly low.
This enables us to build committed and motivated teams that identify strongly with our corporate vision and are well coordinated.
Even with fewer onboarding and learning phases, productivity is higher in teams of sustainable IT outsourcing providers.

3. added security in the face of increasing compliance and reputational risks

By working with a partner that strictly adheres to social standards and follows sustainable practices in terms of working conditions, environmental protection and human rights, companies can reduce potential reputational and compliance risks.
The risk of violating existing or upcoming voluntary or mandatory social standards is also significantly reduced with social and sustainable IT outsourcing.
In this context, the supply chain legislation widely used in Europe, the CSRD and other requirements already announced at EU level should be mentioned.
Companies that already cooperate with responsible outsourcing providers are almost certainly on the safe side when it comes to compliance with relevant guidelines.

4. promotion of a sustainable corporate culture

On the one hand, companies that support social and sustainable IT outsourcing communicate their values to the outside world.
On the other hand, they also promote a culture of social commitment and sustainability within their own structures.
By acting responsibly, they not only strengthen the aforementioned customer loyalty, but also send a strong signal to current and potential employees.

Responsible IT outsourcing with many opportunities!

Social and sustainable IT outsourcing creates a win-win situation for companies and outsourcing employees in the target country.
This shows that utilizing the advantages of global supply chains does not necessarily have to result in structural disadvantages for certain groups.
In fact, everyone involved in IT outsourcing can benefit in several ways.